
W5 Reflection

 “A Hero’s Journey” Video My takeaways from this video were first, live every moment like it matters and as if you have a very important mission. Never give up your search for a calling was a great point as well. Together I imagine this would lead to a life of with more meaning, you have to look for it. Another thing I often think about is finding great role models. I think I am still looking, I am not really sure where to look. Another great takeaway was learning how to learn, learn how to listen and learn how to ask questions! These 3 things have already gotten me a lot farther in my personal growth. Believe and recognize the truth when you see it is crucial. 

W6 Reflection

 The concept that really resonated with me this week was not taking time away from God. There are a lot of areas of our life that we tend to and I find that I am spiritually minded a lot of the time, I often think of God and I have gratitude for all that he provides me, but I lack intentional time with God. The time that I should spend formally praying, or in the scriptures. I love temple and how it grounds me, but I don’t go as often even though I say I want to go. Structuring and implementing time with God will bring greater clarity and a firmer foundation to my life. This would happen with anyone of course, but as I think about the stage of life I am in, I can’t think of anyone better to rely on, to gain wisdom and guidance. 

W4 Reflection

  How you will measure your life is something I believe we should continually revisit. I am sure as I live more life and gain more wisdom, what I love to do will change or evolve. I was touched by Sharon Mays words because I think that can really help us feel secure within our journeys. We need to trust ourselves and its okay that we are not like everyone else. This is something that I personally have been pondering a lot. I have recognized that I am not like most people within my communities. My instinctive reaction is that I need to change these qualities so I can fit in and follow. But I have never ever been a follower. I have always been different and people notice and actually appreciate and admirer these things. No one has asked me to change so why do I instinctively expect that of myself? As I build my career, I greatly look forward to learning more of what I should be doing do follow what I love. What am I good at? What will people pay me to do? And what I was born to do? Some

W3 Reflection

 This week I have been trying or apply what I learn. While I have been trying to train someone on my team, I have found many frustrations and it is making work unpleasant for me. I am someone who is obsessive about my job and so I will not just settle for the mediocracy this individual is giving me. We have had ads out to try and replace them, but we have yet to come across the right match for our team. I have to acknowledge where I have fallen short in training her, so I decided to just start over in this journey with my friend. I’ve honestly been troubleshooting this problem like I did with a tough companion in the mission field.  I am trying it to build a solid foundation with them, of trust and friendship, to keep things light hearted and productive so we still achieve the success we know we can meet in the work place. I’ve reflected a lot on Sheri L Dew’s talk, True Blue, Through and Through. I now have daily huddles with my teammate so we can tackle the day, and days to follow to

W2 Reflection

 I think Randy Pausch was able to achieve so many of his childhood dreams for a couple of reasons. I love when he talks about brick walls because we all have them and they are there for a reason. He knew how badly he wanted something, there were walls. I see that as well and I chose to turn doubt into determination. We will fight for things we want badly enough.  I feel dreaming is very important. I love to dream, I love to visualize and I love to manifest. I love to make things happen in my life. Without a dream, an idea, where are we headed? Dreams also carry our desires. If you wish for something, you desire a certain outcome, that is a dream. No matter how big or small this dream may be, it matters. Now don’t get me wrong, we can’t only dream. We have to work. Work towards your dream. One of my childhood dreams is to be a teacher. I have always had that characteristic and when I was a kid, of course I could only envision a classroom teacher. As I got older I understood what it mean

W1 Reflection

One of my most favorite practices is keeping a journal. I have no reservations or boundaries when it comes to telling my story in my own journal. I like to problem solve, ask questions, freely vent, express gratitude and wins. Then there are times where I just express thoughts I had throughout the day, spiritual and uplifting moments I shared with the Spirit. This has helped my mental and emotional health, but I know one day my story will matter to others and it something they can also gain validation and wisdom from.  There were many great messages we read through or listened to this week. The concept of “do what you love” has been something that I have put a lot of thought in just like everyone else. This is how I view it for myself- there are tasks, characteristics, or interactions that I love that I feel I can carry into any business that strikes an interest for me. There will always be tasks that I dislike. At the moment I am working in the dental field, as an office manager. Ther